Illustrator, graphic designer and printmaker Benjamin Allder uses paint, paper, scissors, occasionally watercolour, pencils and ink, to create his illustrations.

Sometimes he converts these illustrations into prints and screen printed things, all of which you can find here, or from our amazing stockists.

Or if you would like to chat to him about an upcoming project or commission - get in touch.

Hello there 👋

Banana on Cat is an illustration studio based in Naarm / Melbourne.

Creating commercial work for community and corporate clients.

We also create and sell a range of limited run handmade cards, gift tags, posters, prints, pins, wrapping paper, textile designs and more.

Banana on Cat offer one-of-a-kind illustration that is handcrafted, tactile, unconventional, personable, sometimes darkly humorous, and sits outside current illustration trends. With 20+ years in the graphic design industry we can offer artwork that considers all aspects of graphic design and print production.

At Banana on Cat we make a conscious effort to reduce our environmental impact, seeking out sustainable products and keeping things local. Where possible we utilise recycled content (ideally 100%), water based inks and evolving sustainable printing practices. As well as offering advice on how to give our product a second life after you are done with it.

We value these sustainable practices while working to encourage and support them for current and future generations.

If you’d like to contact us for commission, want to ask about our product or would like to chat about how we can better our sustainable practices, please contact us here.

Meet the Banana on Cat support crew

Nichole Allder

Partner and boss lady of multidisciplinary graphic design studio - The Octopus Academy.

Nichole brings the spreadsheets and long ‘to-do’ lists for Banana on Cat. Offering support, constructive feedback, cups of tea and the occasional biscuit.

Master 11 y/o

Art realism supervisor – “that man could never bend that way - he would be dead”. Has perfected the eyeroll.

Spends his time illustrating versions of characters from spoopy shows/games, and partaking in Friday art club with dad.

Master 7 y/o

Chief soundbite specialist. Classics include “Babies can’t do backflips”, “stone-of-a-rock” and “get out of here boooyz.”

Brings chaotic energy and destructive enthusiasm. Likes to spend his time stealing and hiding biscuits. 

Jaye Heraud

Digital strategy guru and boss lady of Stitch Strategy, offers Banana on Cat expert knowledge.

Jaye uses witchcraft and her marvelous brain to help BoC connect with the outside world.

Bowser Meowser

Banana on Cat Mascot, paper-weight, tactile pet therapist and general ne’er-do-well floof.